

Join us on a mystical documentary film journey into a rarely seen world of shamans

You will witness

Secret rituals

Hidden holy places

Shamans Communicating with spirits

Shamanic healing

Shamanic trance

Extraction of evil spirits

Sacred psychoactive plants


An intimate and explorational documentary where mysticism, wisdom and spiritual practices of shamans come alive in a spectacular visual and emotional ride.

Join us

After years of exploring and experiencing shamanism, we are finally ready to begin filming. In order to put this mystical experience on screen, we are looking for investors to join us and help us fund our project!

Our goal is to reach audiences worldwide through festivals and theatrical distribution, as well as through television and streaming distribution channels, such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO, BBC, PBS, ZDF and others.


Budget: 630 000 €
Runtime: 90 min
Language: English, Czech



Michaela Petersen (also known as “Nusta”)

For the last 20 years Nusta has been exploring and learning from the local indigenous tribes of Peru. “Shamans and elders and their ancient wisdom, which they have passed on and continue to pass on to me over the years. Sacred places where the ages meet, where the gateway of knowledge opens. That’s where I once found myself. I came to understand that the expression to return „home“ really means to return to myself.”

After many years of being an apprentice to shamans, Nusta was consecrated by spirits as a shaman in the Andes on the sacred mountain of Ausangate.

Nusta will take us on a shamanic journey where she will share with us the mysteries of shamanism through mesmerizing dances. Her unique shamanic practice is rooted in the belief that movement and rhythm have the power to heal the soul and connect individuals to the spiritual world. “It was in these sacred places in the Andes that a very clear and powerful vision of creating my own form of medicine dance came to me”.

By guiding us to the most remote places in Peruvian Andes that are inhabited by the indigenous people of Q’ero ethnic group, Nusta will introduce us to the purest and most preserved shamanic culture on earth and be part of their sacred rituals, visit secret holy places and experience Q’ero wisdom and their philosophy of life.


Hivshu (also known as “The voice of Arctic”)

We will take a journey to the northernmost city of the world – Siorapaluk, as we follow Hivshu, „The Voice of the Arctic“, across the frozen landscape of Greenland. Hivshu, descendant of many Inughuit shamans in his bloodline and the great grandson of the conqueror of the North Pole  Robert Peary (1856 – 1920) is a revered figure within the Inughuit culture. He will guide us deep into the heart of this unique and little-known society that constitutes just 1% of the population of Greenland.

Against the backdrop of a rugged and inhospitable Arctic environment, we will observe the daily life of the Inughuit people and their almost extinct way of life. From the excitement of harpoon hunting to the serenity of dogsled traveling, we will be privy to a culture that is deeply rooted in nature and intimately connected to the environment.

We will participate in ancient rituals and sacred ceremonies, bearing witness to shamanic healings and spiritual connections, as Hivshu transports us to sacred places where he will share his wisdom, sing his sacred songs, and offer a rare glimpse into the mysteries of the human soul and the universe. 

Hivshu will show us the importance of the transcendent connection between humankind and nature.



Discover the world of the most famous figure in the Czech shamanic scene, Petr Chobot. His life is filled with incredible adventurous chapters, including a near-death experience as a child that, according to him, led to acquisition of clairvoyant and otherworldly abilities.

Chobot was part of the research group at the psychoenergetic laboratory founded in Czechoslovakia in 1978, where the use of his mental energy in practice was scientifically studied. 

For over two decades, he has explored the medicinal properties of herbs in the jungles of Peru with the help of local shamans and studied biology, which led him to grow gardens in Peru in order to search for medicinal herbs which he manufactures under his own brand.

Under the guidance of Petr Chobot, we will be part of an expedition of the esoteric group on their attempt of becoming shamans. As they seek to develop their psychic, healing and other abilities we will have an opportunity to learn about their life stories and circumstances that led them to undertake this unusual path.

Travel with us to sacred places in the jungle and mountains, where the group will participate in various rituals and meditations. One of the most profound experiences will be the consumption of ayahuasca and the deep absorption of its effects with the guidance of Petr Chobot and the local shamans.


Shamanism is a fascinating spiritual tradition that has captured the imagination of people for centuries. It is believed to be one of the oldest spiritual practices in the world, going back over thirty thousand years, and it is characterized by the use of altered states of consciousness to communicate with the spirit world and use of sacred psychoactive plants.

The shaman’s role as a healer, mediator, and bridge between the physical and spiritual realms is a central aspect of the tradition. 

It is believed that shamans are selected by fate and spirits, and must undertake a challenging journey that may take many years of study and practice before they can be recognized and consecrated as shamans. For some shamans this path is seen as a blessing, for others the demanding nature of this journey may feel like a burden.

Shamanism incorporates rich and complex cosmology, as well as elaborate rituals and ceremonies that are deeply meaningful to its practitioners. All of these factors contribute to the enduring appeal of shamanism and its continued relevance in modern times.

It is fascinating and worthy of deep thought that many cultures have developed a very similar practice which we call shamanism independently of each other in different historical periods and on different continents. Are there universal spiritual insights and out-of-this-world experience which confirm the existence of the world of the spirits in which shamans believe?

This film will provide a unique, rare and intimate look into the world of shamans in their homes, villages and sacred places which are normally kept secret from the outer world.

We will have a chance to witness rituals such as when a spirit enters a shaman’s body and communicates through them or intense ceremonies of recognition of a new shaman by spirits and the community. 

In three chapters three shamans will undertake an adventurous journey to visit their teachers in the remote regions of Peru and Greenland. This intimate and thought-provoking documentary explores the rich tradition of shamanism and the powerful impact it has on the lives of these spiritual authorities and helps us gain a deeper understanding of its relevance in modern times.

Filming approach:

None of the shamans are part of the „Shamanic tourism“ category. Cooperation with them is only possible with great respect and through the mediation of trusted individuals they know well. Director Ondřej Herskovič, through years of building relationships and studying shamanism, was able to establish connections that will allow the creation of this film.

We will closely follow each of the three shamans, embracing the unexpected and exploring new situations that will inevitably arise. We will travel to sacred places, witness rituals, healing sessions, exorcisms, visions of the future, and rituals involving sacred psychoactive plants and mushrooms. We will also gain insights into the practical wisdom of these shamans for improving everyday lives.


The film will be divided into three chapters with three shamans.

Every shaman represents a different shamanic approach, background, style of work and has a unique personality and life story.

The filming style will feature a combination of quiet observation and candid conversations in the midst of breathtaking landscapes, providing an insightful glimpse into the world of the subjects. With a narrative structure incorporated throughout the film, viewers will be able to engage with the story and feel connected to the experiences of those on screen.

Through stunning cinematography and immersive sound design, the audience will be placed to the world’s northernmost city – Siorapaluk, where the profound stillness is only interrupted by the sound of your heartbeat and the gentle crunch of snow underfoot. Experience the majestic Andean mountains, where the winds whip fiercely and the sounds of ancient drumming echo through sacred jungle sites. These are the sights and sounds that come alive in this captivating cinematic experience.

About us

Ondřej Herskovič 

During my film studies at Film academy (FAMO) I began my collaboration as a documentary director with Czech Television. For the last 10 years I have directed and collaborated on dozens of documentary films and projects.

Currently I am a Creative Director in our own family run film production company HERAFILM

As a filmmaker I am deeply fascinated in topics which go beyond the common reality and have transcendent impact on us. With great intensity, my life’s journey is gradually leading me to a deep exploration of the mystical connection between humans and nature. I have spent the last 5 years studying shamanism and having long and inspiring conversations with numerous shamans and went through many ceremonies and rituals with them to gain real understanding of their work. Now it’s time to make a movie about them.

About us

Lidia Teleki 
Creative Producer

After finishing my BA in Audio-visual Production, I  made my first professional steps with a documentary film and fell in love with the world of documentary filmmaking.

I’ve moved to Prague in 2015 for pursuing a career in filmmaking and started studying and working at FAMU International which gave me an opportunity to produce various short independent films and create a small production company CanImagin Films.

I have also worked on high-budget productions as production coordinator as well as a Program Leader in a film school, where I was designing the study program and teaching film production.

After 10 years of working in film, I am thrilled that I can finally focus on what I love the most and invest my time in the development of this documentary film about shamanism.

Partner with us

We are looking for investors to be part of this mystical shamanic journey.

Join us to transfer this hidden world on a silver screen.

Budget: 630 000 €

Ondřej Herskovič: +420 724 039 730

Lidia Teleki: +420 777 164 438
